Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Last Blog

wow, this semester flew by. We had some really good times in literature in my opinion. I wish we could have had a slightly smaller class and more time to discuss a lot of the great literature which we read. In my opinion the knowledge gained from literature is best realized when we are able to articulate and communicate all the ideas formulated via reading articulately. It is like the icing on the cake if you will. That is the only thing i think the class was slightly slacking in this semester. But with a class that large and that much to cover its understandable why we didnt get to discuss things as throughoughyl as i would have liked. I think the second half of the semester was my favotire. I enjoyed the group presentations as well as the individual ones, and the paper was a great reflection of the course. I know Professor Sexton mentioned that he wished more of us had taken the challenge of writing about the Brothers Karamazov, but i highly enjoyed writing the final paper, it allowed me to organize my thoughts on the class and i felt as though it was an opportunity to discuss a few epiphanies i have had over the course of the semester. Anyways, i enjoyed this class a lot i have learned things which i know i will carry into the future with me and i obtained knowledge i will be able to use in classes coming up within the next four years...thanks Professor, good work!

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