Thursday, April 29, 2010

Group Presentations

I thought the group presentations were great overall. My favorite one was the debate. I thought it was a very creative and interesting format, however i think some of the ideas could have been articulated much better. Each group had valid points but they didnt necessarily follow through with them in an effective manner. I also think at times certain individuals were missing the point. But anywho, i applaud the creativity and it was more interesting than just listening to people talk and talk and talk. I liked how all of the groups essentially were able to incorporate different elements from each of the retellings into their presentations. The presentation which drew comparisons from Pocahontas to Avatar was very interesting because I have been saying that since i saw Avatar in theatres!! I also thought it was interesting how Avatar was brought up because it is a retelling which we see so often. There, unfortunately, are so many times in history in which one culture or society has completely destoryed or exploited another. We have lost so much knowledge as a result of that, its horribly depressing. But yeah, good work everyone.

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