Thursday, April 29, 2010

Individual Presentations

I am so glad to have my individual presentation over with. Initially i was very nervous about it but it turned out to be a pretty laid back endeavour. everyone has had a lot of interesting things to say about this class. I personally think i took a lot away from it considering what a short course it was and how much material we had to cover. Someone mentioned that they would have liked to have been able to delve deeper into the topics and such. I feel like that would be very dificult when we have such a large course load to cover and such a large class. In college i feel as though a lot of the time it is more dificult to generate organized discussions because so much of that is up to us and everyone in the class is on different levels and has different interests. It was nice getting to hear a little bit from everyone though, i just wish the presentations could have been a little bit longer buttt it is what it is, we did well with the time we were given i think!

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