Monday, February 1, 2010


I suppose for the most part we are all “boring”; there is nothing extraordinary about most of us. Our routines only vary slightly from the other college students around us, and we don’t even seem to mind, which is arguably the part that makes us the most “boring”. We prefer to read, watch, or listen about the fascinating things that other people do opposed to doing them ourselves. Even our entertainment is designed so that we can check out of our mundane lives for a while and tap into something more interesting, after a long day, most prefer to relax on the couch and watch a fictional character live their life, pathetic?
Some would argue that we are not “boring,” that no matter how mundane our lives would appear to be on paper, they are actually all unique and interesting, this is a lie. Interesting cannot be determined by the every day.
The question is, does it really matter if we are boring? Perhaps boring people are satisfied with being bored, and those who aren’t should do something about it.

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