Monday, February 8, 2010

What Happened to the Notion of a Prince Charming?

Looking at stories such as Cinderella, Rapunzel and Snow White it is hard to ignore the fact that the concept of Prince Charming has completely refashioned itself, if not entirely depleted. The relationship between males and females has always been a fascinating one, and is obviously a dominant theme throughout literary history. Though every literary character has unique and complex characteristics, most are defined by archetypes which appear through the ages. For instance, in fairy tales Prince Charming serves as the classic example of a good looking, well groomed male with a dramatic passion for the heroine. Prince Charming is obviously well off, he has good manners etc. The heroine in these stories is usually a shy, well mannered, intelligent woman who is in some form of distress and requires the assistance of the Prince Charming. Of course there are exceptions to this seeming rule but in the realm of fairy tales they seem to be few and far between. Why is it that in the current day these stories are not only almost nonexistent but often times frowned on. The archetype of the graceful, somewhat shy and modest female has been replaced by cut throat independent women who not only reject the service of men but often use them; and the ever so helpful, eager and resourceful prince has been substituted for by “the bad boy”. Where women used to desire a man who opened the door for them, and “courted” them formally and romantically they now desire men with poor manners who put no effort into “wooing” a female.
Obviously this is not always the case but it does seem to be a prominent theme in modern day entertainment. Did women simply get bored with the nice guy, the prince charming? Perhaps the collapse of Prince Charming simply has to do with a change in the dynamics of society. Most fairy tales which glorify this perfect, attractive and refined man were written in a place and time when women were for the most part powerless to men. Just some interesting thoughts….

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