Monday, February 8, 2010

My Earliest Memory

I have so many early memories it is hard to distinguish one as my first. I suppose I will just recollect my most vivid of the bunch:
I was about four years old and we had just moved from Dallas Texas to Amherst New Hampshire (polar opposites). The house we had moved into was absolutely heinous in retrospect; it had a flat roof and was the color of a pumpkin. However, Moving from Dallas I had never really had a private yard to play in. The prospect was obviously quite exciting; I remember as I was exploring the backyard I found a small shed that my parents had neglected to tell me about because they wanted it to be a surprise. It was probably about 8 feet sq and had low ceilings. The outside was the same pumpkin color and the paint was peeling from what I assume was years of New Hampshire weather. If there was once finish on the walls on the inside it had long come off, and leaves were scattered across the floor; in the middle of the shed my parents had set up a tiny little table with chairs for me to have tea parties. The shed was all mine. To this day I can recall countless memories made in that shed even after we moved to the other side of town. it was right across from what would be my recreational soccer field and in the future I would sneak into it after practices, taking advantage of my parents inability to be on time and the fact that there was no lock. Over the years the house has been completely remodeled four or five times due to its blatant unattractiveness and I do not even know if the shed still resides there, someday I hope to go back and check though.

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