Monday, January 25, 2010

How do I know what I think till I see what I say?

How do I know what I think till I see what I say is a question which I had to ask myself a few times before I even began to formulate an answer. It is an interesting question of self reflection, I feel as though the answer to this question is something which we seek out our entire lives. There are three components to the question, that which we think, that which we see and that which we say. This question can only be tackled with a number of other questions
Do we say what we mean?
Does anyone truly say what they mean; do we even have the ability to say what we mean? Often times I feel as though we are all so conditioned by society that we have no idea who we are, or what we think. It is impossible to separate ourselves from the context of the society which we live in, so how do we know if, as individuals, we mean anything we say or say anything we mean.
What do we think?
who is to say that we think for ourselves, is that just a comforting illusion? Does it just appear as though we are all unique and have the ability to think for ourselves, or do we just see this because we are actually all so similar? None of our minds work particularly differently from anyone else’s we all observe the same patterns and thought processes, for the most part we experience the same sensations in life; and when someone’s mind does work even slightly differently from our own we are quick to isolate those people. For instance we medicate individuals with schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder, are those not all different ways of thinking? We hospitalize people whom we classify as crazy or insane; does the fact that we are so eager to equalize almost all thought processes say anything about how much or how little we think? Or how unique our thoughts are? Our entire life we are classified by the way we think, it determines our grades, our friends, the school we go to, the career we choose, what does this say about individual thought? Is there even room for individual thought in today’s world when so much emphasis is placed on where we are going, not where we are?

If our thoughts translate to our view of the world, which translates to what we say, then words are priceless...
However, if our view of the world changes with society opposed to the individual and that is what translates into the words which we speak, then our words are not really our own and therefore they are worth nothing.

(I don’t necessarily agree with everything I say in this blog entry, but it just a record of my thoughts as a reviewed the question)

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